MidJourney is an AI bot, you can type text commands in its Discord channel, and AI bot will generator images for you.
You can use /idea command and choose some commands that systems offers, OR choose some useful or random words below.
Basic sentence
Random Lighting
This is NOT a midjourney official tool, I made this just for fun. I have no idea what will the image look like, it's all decide by computers.
Todo plan:
More words and styles/adjective in next version.
Visualilze styles selecion.
i18n UI or translate Chinese words to English
Other Recommend Prompt Generator Tools
OpenAI ChatGPT Use "list the adjectives of something...", "describe in detail something..." to get some keywords of your needs.
Clip front
Clip retrieval works by converting the text query to a CLIP embedding. You can type some keywords and you will get some image and more kwywords.
CLIP Interrogator
Upload a image, and this tool will try to figure out what a good prompt might be to create new images like an existing one.
Explore AI generated designs, images, art and prompts by top community artists and designers.
Prompt Marketplace for DALL·E, GPT-3, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion. You can find produce prompts to better results, or sell your prompts.
Choose your favorite content to quickly create the corresponding style images in Midjourney.